Monday, July 25, 2016

2 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Midity

That would be Mr. Hugh Midity and yesterday morning was the first day since we arrived that has been dripless - sweat-wise. It's only 80 and only 55% Midity but it's most certainly NOT a dry heat.

Next picture not for the squeamish.....................

Poor guy caught in the locks and hung out to dry

But THIS photo good for all..............

Farming's not all sunflowers/corn/wheat, etc. This a poplar plantation and pretty common all over the south. I'm not sure how quickly Farmer Jean waits before sending these off to either pulp paper mill or other wood products but they are pretty good weeds, like eucalyptus.

"Fill 'er up with high test and check the oil and tires, please".

"Oh, wait - make that a couple liters of rose, please"

Here's a new aperitif that Alvin introduced to us - sort of hill-billy Armagnac cut with anybody's sparkling wine. The Armagnac is secondarily fortified with orange/lemon flavors and other bits and it's diluted at a 7-1 ratio with the bubbly stuff. We're bringing a bottle home so Duncan can cast aspersions on it.

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