Alec and Ashka have 2 babies who can work in the EU - they will have Polish passports as well as US and we went to Poland (Po-land if you follow Jasieu's pronounciation) for Baptism in Ashka's family church in Konin. This is also where they were married in 2001. This was occasion for lots of family to gather and here are Ashka's direct cousins - oodles of them, just like Simpsons
Meanwhile Jasieu gets to meet his Polish great-grannies and other relatives, including one of his cousins Victoria who made a BIG impression in the restaurant after Baptism
And hang around his "Bubcha" and "Jaja". And then, of course, there 's his Uncle Jacek who later drove me to the airport in his super car, the speedo juuuuuuuust touching 250 kph on the straight and uncluttered highway. Eat your heart out, Ray. When we changed seats I would only move it to 200 - Dude, it's NOT my car and it's not paid for, yet.
Daddy with Jasieu's ( and now Abigail's) Jaja
And the girl with her great- Grandma Stenya - the family matriarch. I didn't get any photos of the 2nd set of great-Grannies - Janina and Janek. I think that calls for ANOTHER trip to Po-land but probably not for 3-4 years. Unhappy babies/toddlers on long international flights really wear out Mom's and Dads and I think they'll invite everyone to visit them in San Mateo instead .
Speed demon Uncle Jacek and the Baptized girl herself
That's NOT a ballet tutu - everyone who knows us understands that's a prototype cyclocross T-shirt design for some future season.
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