Precariously perched on a boat that draws only inches of water, we made our way out to deeper but not really open water.
The villagers farm the land along the shore when the lake recedes. But most make their living fishing.
They have fish farms,
And crocodile farms. This is a big'n.
They have a school built by the Assemly of God (I think that's Jehovah Witness)

The students go to and fro by boat. The lucky ones have motors. Not sure how they get those shirts so white being washed in that muddy water.
There is even a Catholic Church. An interesting phenomenon in a country that is 95% Buddhist.
But this Buddhist monasteryis where the boats moor for the rainy season. The big tower is a water purification system for the villagers to use.
After reaching terra firm we visited a village inland with houses built on stilts. This is really common architecture in the Cambodian country side, it is cooler in the heat and it keeps the house from being flooded in the wet season.
We also got to go for a ride in a water buffalo cart. Water buffalo are getting really expensive and are being replaced by tiny Honda tractors. Our's had a baby following along side.
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