Friday, November 4, 2016

Oceans and coffee

OK, quick pop quiz - which foot is touching which ocean? You have the Southern Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.

To the uniniatiated they might both look the same, but.....

....if you carefully observe the sand patterns you quickly realize they are, indeed, absolutely identical. Bummer, dude. 

But there are specialties - the west coast/Atlantic has a thriving crawdad industry, unfortunately in its dormant season so Becky had to console herself with Oysters, lots of Oysters.

On the other hand, here's the still life of crawdad country where the seagulls got the bounty. 

Coffee - some of us like and drink it, some of us don't. But the coffee drinker on our trip doesn't like espresso and herein lies the issue - sophisticated city dwellers in SA and Europe don't drink filter coffee anymore. When Us barbaric country bumpkins arrive and wonder if they might get a cup of java without the "pssssht" noise included, we are shown a map of the backcountry where that brew is probably still available. 

And man, you got that right. A coffee pot, a hot milk pot, oh heavenly delight. I find the same reception where we're in the sticks in France - and here are a couple views of the country guest house that believes in unsophisticated coffee. This is a renovated ex-barn with wide verandas and an interesting ceiling. Our bathroom was still the original concrete floor of some old horse or cow's stall with an awesome claw footed bathtub. And those ceiling beams, just like France - hand hewn with an axe and adze. 

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