Friday, July 18, 2014

Oh Boy - Pilgrimage time!

It was purest happenstance that we found out the Tour was coming close to us this year. We had already rented the joint and some of us, at least, planned to watch some French TV showing off the vivid French countryside while the dopers, excuse me, the CYCLISTS, plyed their craft. But even if the race never came within a country mile of any part of southern France, some of us were going on a pilgrimage (and not to Lourdes, even if it's technically on the same path) to link up with the Legends

#1 - the big climbs in the Pyrenees 

This is MAJOR tourist revenue-producing country. There were scads (like, hundreds) of recreational cyclists on the roads to/from the major high passes that the Tour has made famous. Narrow roads and you have to wonder what French Senator or Deputy lived up in those mountains to justify the significant expense of building roads that didn't really link anything. Spectacular country - it can challenge the Sierras if you consider they're still a few thousand feet lower - but they are beauties

So, we (Becky came, partly because it was going to be 95 degrees if she stayed home - otherwise she could spend the day with me air conditioned, Citroen-style) toured some of the most famous Cols   
(Mountain passes) like 



Maybe we should just title this entry "For bike geeks, only" except for some of residents who erroneously think THEY own the road

1 comment:

  1. Let me guess, you didn't bring your bike for these monument rides. Right?
